Cross-Cultural Communication News
November 2023
Coming soon! Introduction to Educational Interpreting and Translation is CCC’s first book devoted exclusively to interpreting and translation in educational settings.
IEIT is written with the working interpreter in mind. Drawing on years of experience interpreting in U.S. public schools, author Judy Cortés tackles the topics most relevant to educational interpreters, such as interpreting in special education and for IEPs.
Written in clear, accessible language, this book will also provide educational interpreters a solid foundation in interpreter ethics, modes, and legal requirements. Numerous review activities, role plays and samples for translation make IEIT a must-have resource for self-practice and skill reinforcement.
July 2023
On July 17 CCC launched its largest, most ambitious textbook, The Remote Interpreter: An International Textbook, Volume 1, Foundations In Remote Interpreting.
The first comprehensive work of its kind, The Remote Interpreter (TRI) represents an enormous leap forward for the interpreting profession. This beautiful, full-color textbook delivers the most up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of what it means to be a professional remote interpreter.
Emphasizing the skills, tools, strategies, and best practices to succeed and effectively support communicative autonomy—the ultimate end-goal in every interpreted encounter—TRI is a must-have for everyone in the world of remote interpreting.
Available now in print or ebook formats. Meet the author team behind this landmark work.
September 2022
Introducing: Healing Voices - Interpreting for Survivors of Torture, War Trauma and Sexual Violence
It is our privilege to share the printed version of this groundbreaking resource developed by The Voice of Love Project, which is hosted and supported by MCIS Language Solutions, a non-profit social enterprise based in Toronto. A collaboration among 11 expert authors, this manual is designed to support a five-day training program focused on interpreting for survivors of torture, war trauma and sexual violence.
Please note that the digital version of Healing Voices is available as a free download. CCC has produced a limited number of the printed books for official release on September 14, 2022.
August 2022
CCC’s Director, John Arroyave, Joins Brand The Interpreter’s Podcast
John shares his experiences as a community interpreter, LSP owner and new Director of Cross-Cultural Communications. A mission-drive professional, he firmly believes that trained and qualified interpreters support equal access to community services.
May 2022
Meet the New Director of CCC, John Arroyave!
On May 11, 2022, Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC) passed from the ownership of its founder, Marjory Bancroft, to a man who deeply embraces CCC’s mission.
As a first generation Colombian-American, John has interpreted since the age of seven. Keenly aware of how communication impacts access to community services, John is a passionate advocate for ensuring that interpreters are screened, trained and qualified. A graduate of the University of Florida, with an MBA from The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, John has previously advised executives on organizational structure, change management, and process improvement projects. At BlueNovo, a boutique healthcare consultancy focused on serving Federally Qualified Healthcare Clinics, John project-managed the deployment of Electronic Health Records in ambulatory health clinics in addition to other large-scale change management initiatives that directly impacted the quality of care these organizations provided. At Infosys, John worked with large-scale enterprise corporate clients helping to deploy technology solutions and services at multi-billion-dollar corporations across Mexico and the U.S. Always passionately interested in translation and interpreting, five years ago John took over the language company that his late sister founded in Florida.
John is the youngest of four, an uncle to ten wonderful nephews and nieces, and a great uncle to one.
March 2022
The Healthcare Interpreter Is Here!
Packed with intense role plays, The Healthcare Interpreter targets hospital interpreting and medical specialties. It provides dozens of exercises for ethics, skills and decision-making as well as terminology activities, a valuable glossary and more. This book will become your favorite resource to help you tackle the challenges of interpreting in hospital and clinical settings.
Now in full color, with a new introduction designed to show readers how to get the most out of this book.
December 2021
CCC Director Participates in CCHI’s Community Conversations Series
CCC Director Marjory Bancroft joined fellow leaders and researchers in language access and interpreter training for CCHI’s Community Conversation #14: English to English (EtoE) Study & Future of Interpreter Credentialing. These subject matter experts discussed CCHI’s EtoE study, its results and next steps for credentialing interpreters of languages for which a bilingual performance exam still does not exist.
Resources for Interpreters Webinar Series
As we adjust to a new “normal”, what do professional interpreters need to know? This webinar series covers important interpreting resources for language professionals in 2022.
We hope you enjoy this FREE webinar series, delivered by experts from the fields of conference, legal, community and medical interpreting.
October 2021
CCC Sponsors CCHI’s Discover Healthcare Interpreting CoreCHI Scholarship
We were delighted to sponsor scholarships for CCHI’s CoreCHI healthcare interpreting certification exam. Congratulations to the winners!
Arif Hussain (Hindi, Urdu) in Massachusetts
Sarah Bendaly (French) in Minnesota
September 2021
It’s Here! Terminology Workbook for Medical Interpreters
Terminology Workbook for Medical Interpreters is our newest addition to the Culture & Language Press catalogue.
Divided into 24 short chapters based on the most commonly needed medical specializations, the Terminology Workbook will give every medical interpreter the preparation boost they need to confidently approach healthcare assignments as well as medical interpreter certification.
April 2021
CCC’s Marjory Bancroft Interviewed by CloudBreak Health
What will interpreter training look like after the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic? Find out in this interview of CCC’s Director, Marjory Bancroft, by CloudBreak Health.
January 2021
Tools for Interpreters Webinar Series
2020 accelerated the move to remote interpreting and changed many protocols for onsite assignments, requiring new skills from interpreters in order to manage each interpreting encounter. This webinar series highlights useful tools for language professionals navigating remote and onsite interpreting sessions.
We hope you enjoy this FREE webinar series, delivered by experts from the fields of conference, legal, community and medical interpreting.
November 2020
CCC Turns 20!
On November 20, 2020, Cross-Cultural Communications turned 20 years old.
Funny, but true.
So of course, we had to have a birthday party!
What we did for a lark turned into one of the most moving experiences of our lives. We invited five speakers, all friends and colleagues. During the one-hour Zoom party, we started with fireworks and a lightning history of CCC, showed a little video, held raffle prize announcements for the week’s daily drawings—and in-between, our five speakers gave powerful talks that brought tears to our eyes.
Soon the chat filled up with incredible voices of cheer and thanks, praise and best wishes.
September 2020
NEW — The Medical Interpreter Online!
The Medical Interpreter Online (TMIO) is a robust, 40-hour introduction to medical interpreting. It prepares you for medical interpreter certification (CCHI or NBCMI) and to enter the field as a professional interpreter in healthcare. (See the Slator press release.)
TMIO is the authorized online version of The Community Interpreter® International, the world’s leading entry-level program for medical interpreting.
The TMIO program promotes national ethics and standards of practice in the field. It also provides an introduction to the U.S. healthcare system, three lessons on medical terminology, ethics and conduct, basic skills (from pre-session to post-session), positioning, modes of interpreting, steps for sight translation, strategies for intervention, cultural mediation, and other vital skills and topics.
Special Topics in Remote Interpreting Webinar Series
Remote interpreting (RI) has suddenly become the most important pathway for the interpreting profession. This webinar series focuses on special areas in RI in order for interpreters to perform and market themselves as professional interpreters in a variety of settings.
We hope you enjoy this FREE webinar series, delivered by RI experts from the fields of conference, legal, community and medical interpreting.
May 2020
The Remote Simultaneous Interpreting Webinar Series
The whole world wants remote simultaneous interpreting. Yesterday. But what is RSI, and how does it work? What makes RSI platforms different from those for video remote interpreting (VRI)? You may also wonder how RSI could work in schools and hospitals, nonprofit organizations and government agencies. (Or does it?)
We hope you enjoy this FREE webinar series, delivered by RSI experts from the fields of conference, legal, community and medical interpreting.
Medical Terminology for Interpreters (MTIO) Is Here!
Medical Terminology for Interpreters Online is our in-depth 12.5-hour course for beginning medical interpreters studying for medical interpreter certification and certified interpreters (CHIs and CMIs) seeking continuing education to maintain their credentials. The course satisfies the prerequisite training needed before applying for medical interpreter certification with the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) or the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (NBCMI). It is also approved for CCHI and IMIA/NBCMI CEUs.
April 2020
The Remote Interpreter Webinar Series
Remote interpreting has suddenly become the most important pathway for the interpreting profession. Interpreters need to onboard as fast as possible, language service companies need to switch their services to video and telephonic, and clients need help understanding how to weave language access into their newly-online services.
We hope you enjoy this FREE webinar series, delivered by the team of authors of the forthcoming textbook: The Remote Interpreter.
October 2019
CCC is bursting with pride to announce…
The Community Interpreter® Online (TCIO) Is Here!
On October 24, 2019, at the 60th anniversary conference of ATA (American Translators Association), Cross-Cultural Communications launches its greatest event since the birth of The Community Interpreter® in April 2004.
The Community Interpreter® Online (TCIO) is now available on Blue Horizon: the online training platform of CCC.
What is TCIO?
TCIO is the 40-hour online version of The Community Interpreter® International.
TCIO can also be studied as a series of online courses.
TCIO is the only online program for TCI licensed by CCC for authorized distribution.
How does TCIO work?
TCIO is divided up in lessons that interpreters can study at their own pace. (At midnight in your pajamas if you wish. With a cup of tea!) Most lessons are about 90 minutes.
Each lesson is self-contained. There are 24 lessons in TCIO. They include video hosts, engaging activities, role plays in 9 language pairs, quizzes, videos of interpreters in action and much more.
What does TCIO teach?
TCIO addresses the interpreter’s role; national ethics and standards; interpreting skills, protocols and modes; note-taking; decision-making, how to intervene and cultural mediation; interpreter safety and self-care; professional development; and how to be a professional interpreter.
TCIO includes the most comprehensive, highly regarded textbooks and workbooks in the industry: The Community Interpreter® and The Medical Interpreter.
Is TCIO language-specific?
TCIO trains interpreters of any language pair who can take courses in English. Language-specific practice and skills-building is included for 9 language pairs.
Will TCIO prepare interpreters for national medical interpreter certification?
What is Blue Horizon?
Blue Horizon is the online training platform of CCC. It hosts TCIO and continuing education for interpreters in healthcare, education, community and legal settings. It also hosts skills-building courses for general interpreters.
Blue Horizon specializes in spoken-language interpreting, but many of its programs are also RID-accredited for the continuing education of signed-language interpreters.
August 2019
CCC’s Marjory Bancroft Interviewed by Anne Arundel Lodge
CCC’s Director, Marjory Bancroft, was delighted to contribute to an article, The Importance of Interpreters in Healthcare, for Anne Arundel Lodge, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults impacted by mental health and substance abuse disorders.
Culture & Language Press Is Going Digital!
We’re excited to announce that our catalogue of publications is now available on our new ebook platform. The platform allows you to bookmark pages, highlight text and insert your own notes. Keyword and key phrase searches are also possible. All you need is an internet connection and laptop or tablet.
July 2019
Medical Terminology for Interpreters: An Instructor’s Guide Is Here!
We’re proud to release the highly anticipated new edition of our popular title, Medical Terminology for Interpreters: An Instructor's Guide. Beloved by interpreter trainers preparing their students for medical interpreter certification, the new edition supports the recently published 4th edition of Medical Terminology for Interpreters. Now in full color, new features in the instructor's guide include entry-level and advanced-level activities for interpreters, two student workbooks for duplication and a final assessment with answer key.
April 2019

CCC’s Michelle Gallagher and Maisoon Ateem Abdelrhman Present at Confluence Conference
We had a wonderful time at Montgomery College's Confluence Conference in Takoma Park, MD on April 6. CCC’s Michelle Gallagher and Maisoon Ateem Abdelrhman presented and exhibited at one of the DC metropolitan area’s premier events for language professionals.
March 2019
CCC’s Marjory Bancroft Keynotes ITAA’s 3rd Annual Conference
We were honored to keynote the Interpreters & Translators Association of Alabama’s 3rd Annual Conference on March 30. CCC’s Director, Marjory Bancroft presented on trauma-informed interpreting, while our Publications Manager, Andrew Hall, represented us as a conference sponsor and exhibitor. Many thanks to ITAA’s welcoming membership for a memorable event!

Educational Interpreting 101: It’s a Lot Harder than It Looks
InterpretAmerica's Katharine Allen and the Orange County Department of Education's Natalia Abarca share the history and future of educational interpreting in this great article from the March-April 2019 issue of the ATA Chronicle: Educational Interpreting 101: It’s a Lot Harder than It Looks.
The Indigenous Interpreter® has arrived!
An astounding contribution to the field, this comprehensive manual (along with its partner workbook) can be used to train interpreters of indigenous languages or for self-study. Produced and published by Natividad Medical Foundation, these books are available electronically at no cost (under a Creative Commons license).
This groundbreaking program guides interpreters of indigenous languages on ethics, protocols and modes -- including consecutive, relay and simultaneous interpreting -- in community and healthcare settings. Each module includes targeted guidance for overcoming the barriers that indigenous interpreters encounter daily in many different service settings.
Starting March 4, we are proud to offer full-color print copies for sale of the gorgeously designed training manual and workbook. Check out our Books & Products page for details!
February 2019
Podcast with CCC’s Managing Director: Understanding Interpreting in Schools and Community Institutions
How is interpreting different from translation? When is interpreting necessary and how is it mandated in schools and other community institutions? What are some of the challenges and pitfalls of “home grown” interpreting services? CCC’s Managing Director, Michelle Gallagher, discussed these topics and many more on the Higher Aspirations weekly podcast.
Medical Terminology for Interpreters 4th edition is here!
On February 18, we released the highly anticipated 4th edition of our popular title, Medical Terminology for Interpreters. Beloved by interpreters preparing for medical interpreter certification, the new edition is more than double the size of its predecessor. New features include expanded and enriched activities, new exercises, four additional body systems, more specific instructions for use by groups, "study-buddy" pairs or individuals and much more.
September 2018
CCC Celebrates International Translation Day at the Arizona Translators and Interpreters Annual Conference!
On September 29, in addition to exhibiting at ATI’s Annual Conference, CCC Director Marjory Bancroft delivered the keynote Give Voice: Change the World -- and Give Ourselves a Voice.
Marjory also gave an action-packed morning presentation with co-presenter Barbara Rayes-Barnett: Rise to the Challenge: Keys for Performing Legal Interpreting in Community Settings. The presentation included The Interpreter’s Challenge, a play in three acts, that illustrated some of the daily difficulties faced by community interpreters.
Thank you to our volunteer actors and actresses!

June 2018
"It Breaks My Heart" Travels to Montgomery, Alabama
On June 22-23, 2018 AshaKiran welcomed us to Montgomery, Alabama to deliver It Breaks My Heart: Interpreting for Trauma. Our session, (delivered by the incomparable Carola Green!) was part of a series of trauma-informed interpreter training programs. Participants traveled in from all over the state, including members of the Interpreters and Translators Association of Alabama (ITAA).
AshaKiran delivers culturally sensitive services in nearly 50 languages to individuals experiencing traumatic situations such as domestic violence and sexual assault.
Maryland nonprofit hosts The Community Interpreter®!
We were honored to partner with the Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center (ChesMRC) to train 31 interpreters for Easton, Maryland. The Community Interpreter® International, delivered June 11-15, 2018 by our trainer, Carola Green, will provide a corp of professional interpreters for Maryland's Eastern Shore. Fun fact: Carola and many of ChesMRC's clients are from Guatemala!
Read the StarDem article featuring ChesMRC's session of The Community Interpreter® International.
ChesMRC provides a wide range of services to recent immigrants on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Learn more about ChesMRC's cultural competence and language access plans.

May 2018
Culture & Language Press Partners with Rittenhouse Distributors
Culture & Language Press (CLP), an imprint of Cross-Cultural Communications, has partnered with Rittenhouse Book Distributors. Rittenhouse provides retailers, libraries and other businesses with publications in the fields of medicine, nursing and allied health from the leading health sciences publishers. We're delighted -- and excited -- by this partnership and hope that it streamlines the ordering process for our allied health and higher education customers.
March 2018
Visit our Booth -- At a Conference Near You!
Our 2018 conference season is busier than ever. California, Florida, Kansas and Michigan are just some of the states we'll be visiting in the first half of the year. As interpreters ourselves, we love to catch up with fellow professionals at T&I membership associations across the country. Stop by our booth for a chat, great freebies and our book raffle!
August 2017
It's Here! -- Healthcare Interpreting with Heart and Mind: An Intermediate Textbook for Medical Interpreting
In 2017 we released the second volume of our medical interpreting series. This intermediate textbook will challenge and inform medical interpreters. It includes complex role plays that address many medical specialties; an array of exercises related to ethics, skills and decision-making; graphics with medical terminology lists; and a Spanish-English medical terminology glossary.
The author, Suzanna Reiss-Koncar, holds a master's degree in public health, is a certified healthcare interpreter (CHITM) and has worked as a hospital staff interpreter for more than a decade.
June 2017
InterpreTIPS Returns!
We're pleased to announce the return of our wildly popular video series which answers your questions about interpreting. Featuring CCC Director Marjory A. Bancroft and InterpretAmerica Co-President Katharine Allen, InterpreTIPS provides short, insightful responses for interpreters and interpreter trainers alike.
Season 2 of InterpreTIPS launched in the June 23 issue of our e-newsletter, Intersect. Don't get Intersect yet? Sign up here!
March 2017
CCC Founder Marjory Bancroft wins CHIA's 2017 Trainer of the Year Award!
We are honored to announce that Marjory Bancroft, CCC Founder and Director, won CHIA's prestigious Trainer of the Year Award for 2017. Watch the video here (minute: 12:30) and check out the photos here. Thank you, CHIA!
March 2017
November 2016
Educational Interpreting: Video Tips for Interpreters and Staff
On March 1st, we released the second installment of our video training series for general, medical and community interpreting. Educational Interpreting: Video Tips for Interpreters and Staff features vignettes based on real-life examples of issues faced by interpreters and staff in educational settings. Languages include: Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese.
We're honored to be on the cover of the Nov.-Dec. ATA Chronicle!
What is the greatest gift interpreters can give victims of trauma? Find out in this November 2016 ATA Chronicle cover feature by CCC Director Marjory Bancroft.