Become a licensed trainer -- and join a growing group of amazing professionals!
If you train medical, community or legal interpreters, Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC) can license you to train.
The CCC license is FREE. And it gives you a deep discount on Culture & Language Press textbooks and manuals. Plus you'll automatically receive updated editions of the trainer's guides.
Our Training of Trainers sessions offer you the guidance you need to teach our programs. After licensing, you'll walk away with:
A detailed trainer's guide
Step-by-step lesson plans
Professional slide kits (PowerPoint format)
Activity and handout templates
And more!
Join our team of more than 400 licensed trainers in 44 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., Guam and six other countries!
TCII TOT graduates
“Thank you so much for the [CCC licensed trainer] dinner and lovely opportunity to meet other trainers. I truly value CCC and the amazing resources and support you provide for trainers. This is such important work and I am honored to be a trainer for this curriculum. ”
We regularly welcome trainers from a variety of backgrounds and institutions:
Healthcare (medical systems, hospitals, AHECs)
School systems (K-12)
Higher education (community colleges, universities)
Nonprofits (refugee resettlement, immigrant services agencies, legal services organizations)
Language service providers (small, medium and large businesses)
Government agencies
Interpreting and translation membership associations