Culture & Language Press
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DVD: Medical Interpreting - A Guide to Ethics
DVD: Medical Interpreting - A Guide to Ethics
Format: DVD Zone 1
Runtime: 80 minutes
Year Published: 2015
Structure: 11 chapters + epilogue
Language: In English with interpreting vignettes in Spanish, French, Russian, Nepali and Igbo.
Audience: Medical and community interpreters. Interpreter trainers.
Publisher: Culture & Language Press
ISBN: 978-0-9823166-9-6
Are you a professional interpreter? A trainer of interpreters? This video training is a simple, practical tool to learn the most important requirements in the field of medical interpreting.
Should you ever break confidentiality? Why? Do you have to interpret obscenities, pauses and emotions? May you ever accept gifts? What three things should you do if you know the patient? This video training guides professional interpreters and trainers through the nine ethical principles of the U.S. National Code for Interpreters in Health Care (published by the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care). This video offers a simple, engaging way to learn what to do -- or not to do -- in medical settings. Learn practical strategies to tackle some of the biggest ethical challenges in the field.
Interpreting vignettes feature practicing interpreters from half a dozen different countries.