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““Thank you for providing the most comprehensive and complete curriculum that I have ever had the pleasure of teaching...I had absolutely everything I needed.”
Cultural Competence Trainer's Guide
Cultural Competence Trainer's Guide
Author: Marjory A. Bancroft, MA
Year Published: 2014
Edition: 1st
Pages: 202
Publisher: Culture & Language Press
ISBN: 978-0-9823166-8-9
Ebook: Buy it here.
How to Give a Half-Day Training on How to Work with an Interpreter — or a One-Day Training on Cultural Competence — That's Fun, Simple and EFFECTIVE
This trainer's guide offers a road map on how to deliver training as EITHER:
A one-day workshop on Cultural Competence in Health and Human Services
A half-day workshop on How to Work with an Interpreter in Health and Human Services
A half-day workshop on Cultural Competence in Health and Human Services
The curriculum targets service providers, front line staff and interpreters. It covers three areas: healthcare, education and human services. The training is fun, highly interactive and provides practical tools for service providers.
The workshop consists of two half-day modules that can be delivered together or separately. Here’s a sample agenda:
Module One: How to Work with an Interpreter
Language Access Requirements
Best Practices in Language Access
How to Work with Trained & Untrained Interpreters
Module Two: Cultural Competence in Health and Human Services
Requirements, Standards and Legislation for Culturally Competent Services
The LEARN Model for Culturally Competent Services
Developing a Cultural Competence Plan for Your Organization
Purchase this guide to help your organization promote equal access to public and community services and reduce health and educational disparities. The curriculum is based on national standards for cultural and linguistic competence from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health. It’s also based on federal laws, national best practices and cultural competence training standards. The half-day and one-day versions of the program are easy to adapt to your target audience.
The curriculum can be used to train:
Health and allied professionals, including doctors and nurses
Mental health providers
Social workers
Front-line, clerical, human resources and support staff
Teachers, principals, reading specialists and other school staff
Staff in other education programs, from preschool to community and four-year colleges and universities
Bilingual employees and interpreters
Speech and occupational therapists
Victim services and child advocacy staff
Case managers
Government social services employees, such as income support specialists, caseworkers and child protective services investigators
Nonprofit staff in human and social services
Community action staff